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Remove Cold Turkey

Stuffing a Turkey Properly and Safely

97% of surveyed customers did or would recommend Cold Turkey Blocker to a friend. 12000+ websites are blocked by Cold Turkey Blocker every single day. That's an additional 1700 hours/day being carved out for studying, programming, writing, or more quality time spent offline. Slicing the breast meat on the bone is done often, but it shouldn’t be. Instead, remove the whole breast in one piece to keep the crisped skin intact and to make slicing the breast meat widthwise easier. To do this, start at the center and cut straight down along the cartilage, then use the rib cage as a guide to free the meat from the bones. Many people remove it because no matter how authoritative the source assuring them that the plastic is heat-safe and won’t melt, they still just don’t trust roasting a piece of plastic inside their meat. The University of Georgia extension service says, “A hock lock is a device that secures together the legs of a turkey.

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Washington, DC 20250
Consumer Education and Information

Stuffing a Turkey – To stuff or not to stuff — that is the question on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Meat and Poultry Hotline. It is an important question to ask as the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday draws near, because cooking a home-stuffed turkey can be somewhat riskier than cooking one not stuffed. If the stuffing is not cooked and handled properly, food borne illness could occur.

First, with a sharp chef's knife, remove each leg by cutting through the turkey where the thigh connects to the breast. 9 of 11 Separate Drumsticks and Thighs At the joint of each leg, cut drumstick from thigh. Dec 21, 2016 Can't uninstall Cold Turkey? Check out this simple tutorial that will help you trick the software into expiring your timer so you can uninstall.

However, with careful preparation and the use of a meat or cooking thermometer to ensure that safe temperatures are reached, consumers can safely enjoy the traditional holiday stuffing inside OR outside the bird,” says Bessie Berry, Food Safety and Inspection Hotline Manager.

NOTE: The USDA has come up with a one-temperature-suits-all for poultry safety: 165 degrees F. For safety and doneness, the Internal Temperature of the turkey should be checked with a meat or cooking thermometer.

IMPORTANT: Although a “pop-up” thermometer that comes with many turkeys is one way to judge the turkey’s doneness, it can not tell you the temperature of the stuffing. An instant meat or cooking thermometershould also be used with stuffed turkeys.

After the estimated cooking time has elapsed, a meat thermometer should be inserted in several places, including the innermost part of the thigh and the center of the stuffing, to check the temperatures.

This is the type of cooking and meat thermometer that I prefer and use in my cooking. I get many readers asking what cooking/meat thermometer that I prefer and use in my cooking and baking. I, personally, use the Thermapen Thermometer shown in the photo on the right. Originally designed for professional users, the Super-Fast Thermapen Thermometer is used by chefs all over the world. To learn more about this excellent thermometer and to also purchase one (if you desire), just click on the underlined: Thermapen Thermometer.


To Take Temperature of Thigh – Place the thermometer in the thickest part of thigh away from the bone of the turkey to check the internal temperature at intervals during the cooking time.

To Take Temperature of Breast – Insert thermometer at neck end, holding it parallel to the turkey. Confirm temperature by inserting thermometer in both sides of the turkey.

Once the turkey meat and the stuffing have reached the proper temperatures, the turkey should be removed from the oven and allowed to “stand” for 15 to 20 minutes before removing the stuffing and carving.

If you are not prepared to use a meat thermometer to measure the internal temperature of the stuffing in the bird, then the stuffing should be cooked outside the turkey.

Family favorite Turkey Stuffing/Dressing Recipes:

Turkey Stuffing
This is my family’s favorite Turkey Dressing/Stuffing recipe that I make every year. Whether you call it “stuffing” or “dressing,” what’s not to love about turkey stuffing? It is often one of the best parts of a turkey dinner. It is so easy to prepare. Also be creative and add your family’s favorite ingredients.

Sweet Onion Cornbread Stuffing
This wonderful cornbread stuffing will delight your family and friends. It is easy to make and so delicious! Use it as a great stuffing alongside of your poultry dishes.

Sweet Onion Cornbread Stuffing
This wonderful cornbread stuffing will delight your family and friends. It is also easy to make and so delicious! Use it as a great stuffing alongside of your poultry dishes.

Additional Important Food Safety Guidelines to Follow:

Handle raw turkeys safely. Take the turkey home directly from the grocery store. Errands should be run first, before going to the store. At home, place the turkey immediately in the refrigerator or freezer. A fresh turkey should be cooked within two days.

Defrosting Turkey. Defrost frozen turkeys in the refrigerator, allowing 24 hours for each five pounds. For faster thawing, place the frozen turkey in cold water, allowing about 30 minutes per pound. The water should be changed every half-hour. A turkey may be defrosted in the microwave if it is large enough, but follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Cook immediately after defrosting.

Prepare stuffing safely. Mix the stuffing just before it goes into the turkey. If more convenient, the wet and dry ingredients can be prepared ahead of time and chilled. Mix the ingredients just before placing the stuffing inside the turkey or in a casserole.

Stuff the bird properly. The turkey should be stuffed loosely about 3/4 cup of stuffing per pound of turkey. This will help allow the stuffing to reach the proper 165 degrees F. internal temperature whether the stuffing is in the bird or in a casserole. Use a meat thermometer to be sure. The stuffing should be moist, not dry, since heat destroys bacteria more rapidly in a moist environment.

Cook at the proper temperature. The stuffed turkey should be placed immediately in a preheated oven set no lower than 325 degrees F. Cooking overnight in a “slow” oven is not recommended since food borne bacteria can form under these conditions.

Storing leftovers. Leftovers should be stored within two hours of cooking. Cut the turkey off the bones. Refrigerate the stuffing and the turkey separately in shallow containers. Use leftover turkey within four days; stuffing and gravy, in one or two days.

Remove Cold Turkey Blocker

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  1. While the oil is heating, prepare your turkey with any seasonings, marinades, or injected flavors. Tuck legs.
  2. Once the oil is heated, place the basket in the fryer for 30 seconds. Remove basket from oil, place turkey in basket. Slowly lower the turkey into the fryer. The turkey may not be totally immersed in the oil. This may cause the top part of the breast to remain white even though it is cooked to the proper end temperature.
  3. Set the timer and cook the turkey about 3 to 4 minutes per pound.
  4. Cook all dark meat to an internal temperature of 175° F to 180° F, and all white meat to an internal temperature of 165° F to 170° F. Here's some help on how to check your turkey's temperature for doneness.
  5. When the turkey is done, slowly lift it from the pot and place it in a pan or on paper towels to drain.
  6. Let the turkey stand for 20 minutes before removing it from the rack or basket to carve.
  7. Cold

  8. Pat the turkey dry with paper towels.
  9. Add oil to the fryer (based on the water line).
  10. Preheat oil in the fryer to 375° F.
  11. Note

    When cooking turkey parts, oil temperature should be 325° F; may take 4 to 5 minutes per pound to reach the recommended temperatures (dark meat to an internal temperature of 175° F to 180° F, and white meat to an internal temperature of 165° F to 170° F).

    Remove Cold Turkey

    1. While the oil is heating, prepare your turkey with any seasonings, marinades, or injected flavor that you desire.
    2. When the oil is hot, turn the burner off and slowly lower the turkey into the hot oil. Slowly lowering the basket helps prevent the oil from bubbling over. Turn the burner back on.
    3. Cook the turkey about 3 to 4 minutes per pound.
    4. The turkey is done when the dark meat is at an internal temperature of 175° F to 180° F and all white meat is at an internal temperature of 165° F to 170° F.
    5. When the turkey is done, slowly lift it from the pot and place it in a pan or on paper towels to drain. Let the turkey stand for 20 minutes before removing it from the rack or basket.