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Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf

Coaching Middle School Basketball: The Wheel Offense on February 12, 2014. Currently 5/5 Stars. 5/5 Stars by Anonymous. I am a new middle school coach. This DVD, and the others in the series, have been extremely helpful in teaching a good basic offense. We implemented the drills and the players picked this offense up with much ease. Spacing is offense, offense is spacing - Rick Majerus Click To Tweet. Spacing means that players are wide enough so that 1 defender cannot guard 2 people. By using the 3 point arc as a guide, players should stay behind the arc and can move higher before cutting to the basket or driving to the basket. The circle offense is a continuity-based offense and it is also a variation of the 5 out motion offense. The main sequence of the offense is to have at least three players in constant motion at all times. The 5-out motion offense is a fantastic primary offense for basketball teams at any level, but especially youth basketball teams. It’s a positionless offense that relies on spacing the floor and a set of rules that assists players to determine their movements and actions.

X’s & O’s Insider – The Swing Offense by Wes Kosel


There are many types of offenses and formations available to basketball coaches including motion, continuity, ball-screen, 1-4 high, blocker-mover, etc. There is no one “perfect offense” for a team or program, but the goal of a coach should be to find the offensive system that works best for his/her team. A lot of times, this includes making adjustments year to year with an offense or adding tweaks to existing plays. A good offensive system gets all of your players involved and promotes the fundamentals of the game (spacing, passing, and screening). The Swing offense is a great offensive system if you are looking to promote these skills with your players. Under Head Coach Andy Partee at Colorado College, we have ran a variety of offenses but our base motion uses swing principles. I am not an expert with how Coach Bo Ryan and other swing offense coaches implement their systems, but I have noticed similar actions and patterns with how we run our offense at Colorado College.


Benefits of the Swing Offense

There are many benefits of running the swing offense including:

  • Promotes good spacing
  • Promotes versatility (guards need to be able to post up and posts need to be able to play on the perimeter)
  • Promotes good screening actions
  • Can lead to excellent offensive efficiency (in 2015-2016, Colorado College was ranked #1 in the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference in assists per game, field goal percentage, and 3-point field goal percentage).
  • Creates scoring opportunities for all types of players
  • Difficult to defend
  • Many variations of the offense that you can use (as I’ll show with the Colorado College and Utah sets below).

Spacing and Basic Actions

Spacing – the basic spacing for the Swing offense is four out and one in. Typically, there is a ball-side triangle (as shown below). It is important to keep in mind that in most swing offenses all players are interchangeable and it doesn’t matter who is in the post or on the perimeter. This can be a huge advantage if you have long wings who are capable of posting up.

Initial Action – Wing Up-Screen – As the ball is passed from 1 to 4 (shown below), there are several options for continuing the offense. In this option, 5 sets an up-screen for 2 on the right wing. 2 can cut over or under the screen, but will finish the cut at the left block creating a ball-side triangle.

Initial Action – Slot Up-Screen – Another option as the ball is reversed is for 5 to set an up-screen for 1 in the slot. Again, 1 can choose to go either direction on the cut, but will finish at the left block creating a ball-side triangle.

Greg Gard Wisconsin Badgers Swing Offense

Below is a video showing some of Wisconsin’s offense during the 2015-2016 season. As you can see, they use a variety of screening actions and combinations of actions.

Swing Offense

The combinations of up-screen/down-screen and up-screen/flare-screen are staples of swing offense teams. Swing offenses also can have the big (or post player) screen as a part of the ball-side triangle (instead of waiting for it to reverse). In Frame 2, you see 5 set an up-screen for 1 in the slot. This “UCLA” action forces the defense to guard the cutter to protect against layups, and if you have a good shooting big you can often get open shots from 5 stepping out to get the ball on the perimeter. In Frame 4, the ball is reversed and 1 sets a screen for 2 on the wing then cuts around a down screen from 5. This combination can be difficult for teams to effectively defend, especially with post defenders on the perimeter and guard defenders now in the post.

Swing Flare Slip

In this play, the Badgers start with a flare-screen as the 4 trails into the half court. Then, 5 sets an up-screen on the wing and 1 sets a down-screen then slips to the rim for an easy layup.

Utah Utes Swing Set

Swing Wheel

Utah starts in a four out set and swing the ball into a staggered screen away for 3 on the right wing. Out of the staggered screen, Utah moves into a blocker-mover type set with 5 setting a cross screen at the block and 4 setting a flare screen in the slot.

Wisconsin-La Crosse Offense

Swing Stagger

This is a simple secondary action to open up the post. The ball is swung to the right wing and 2 looks to pass to 5 posting up. The staggered screen away occupies the defense allowing for 5 to post up 1 on 1. You can also get good shots off of the staggered screen with 3 cutting to the top of the key for a shot.

Colorado College Sets

Old Badger

In this set, 5 sets an up-screen as a part of the ball-side triangle then gets the pass from 1. 5 looks for 3 posting up and cuts through the lane on a post cutting pattern.


This is a continuity set that we used against man and zone defenses. The offense shifts a little bit to create an overload on the right side of the floor and continues with multiple up-screens to the wing by 4.

Single Double – Big Option

This action starts with an up-screen as a part of the ball-side triangle then 2 curls around a second screen by 5. 1 dribbles over looking to pass to 5 posting up.

Swing Gaggle

The ball is reversed with 5 following the ball to the left block. 4 and 1 then set a staggered screen away, and once 3 has cleared the screen 1 circles out to the left corner. Once 3 has the ball near the top of the key, he looks to use a ball-screen from 4 at the right elbow to attack the empty right side of the floor.

Swing Gaggle Post

This play is similar to the last, but 5 will go away from the ball as it is reversed to 3 on the right wing. 1 and 4 set a staggered screen for 2 on the left wing, and once 2 has cleared 4 circles out to the right block. If x4 is helping on the staggered cut by 2, it may open up 4 for an easy post up.

Click on the pdf link below to download the Swing Offense Playbook by Wes Kosel

Swing Offense Playbook

1. 4 out 1 in, 3 out 2 in sets.
2. Constantly attacking the rim.
3. Utilizing the 3 point shot as a weapon.
4. Putting tremendous pressure on individual man defense of our opponents.


  • Attack player # 1
  • Our main ball handler.
  • The catalyst of our attacking offense
  • Will be best penetrator/creator

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf Free

We look to attack at all times.


Basketball wheel offense video
  • 2 is the best shooter and will start on the right wing.
  • Will run the right lane – Sets up two feet above free throw line extended.
  • Is the opposite end @ free throw line extended versus full court pressure.
  • “SOB” = Weak-side corner

“3” Python serial read time out examples.

  • Our second post or biggest guard.
  • Runs the left lane – sets up with two feet above free throw line extended.
  • Sets up in weak-side corner versus full-court pressure
  • SOB = weak side block.

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf 2017


  • Our best offensive post player (catcher and finisher).
  • Our best rebounder.
  • SPRINTS the floor to the rim.
  • Is opposite end of the floor versus pressure.
  • Sets up on the left block if does not have anything in transition.
  • SOB = ball-side block.


  • Our second best ball handler and creator.
  • One of our best passers.
  • One of our best offensive players.
  • Inbounds the ball with speed and trails.
Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf

Offensive Rules
2. “4 out set 1 in”, the offense will have the right block open on the initial drive.
3. “On a miss” Must fill 4 perimeter spots on a miss, run lanes and be interchangeable.
4. “On a Make” – numbered brake.
5. “Must have a drag man” (Fills behind on penetration – 5 initially)
6. “If Denied” –
• Extend defense – (creates larger gap to penetrate)
• Hard Back Door – (Dribble at = go back door) (Ball Fake = back door)
7. “Opposite Wing Flares on dribble penetration (extend the defense)
8. If there is a dribble to the corner on 4’s side, instant high low.
9. “Divers” create contact off of the dribble –
– “1st Contact” and “Second Contact”
10. Penetrators almost always empty left. “This will result in a wheel action”
11. Never pass the ball to a man inside the three-point line coming away from the basket.
12. Standing and dribbling is not productive unless a great player. Learn to play off the catch.
13. Anytime we a have a player on the block catch the ball = dive the next biggest player on the weak side to the opposite block, as well as the shooter on the weak side making a diagonal cut anticipating a skip.

“4 Set” 4 out 1 in = Wheel

  • More of a passing offense.
  • Post on the left block. If penetrators break though the shell – no one is home.
  • Extended defense = back door.
  • Never 2 wings on the right side at the same time.

“3 Set” 3 out 2 in = Kickbacks

  • Easier to penetrate ( only three on the perimeter)
  • Easier to get 3’s in this offense.
  • Look to get the ball in the “Golden Area” at the elbows.
  • Strong side post seals on penetrations.
  • Opposite wings flare.
  • Strong side wing reads defense (loops)


  • This is when 1 passes to 2 or 5 and instead of cutting though, 1 gives 5 trailing a rub screen to either drive or cut to receive a pass from 2.

2 Game

  • This is our stall.
  • 3 and 2 will be in the corners instead of a step above free throw line extended.
  • 5 and 1 will play keep away up top.
  • 4 is always on the block opposite of the ball.

5 Set “Hot”

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf Cover

  • This is our 2-1-2 press break.
  • Easy – 4 flashes middle.

4 Down

  • Isolation for the inside man.
  • Stationary on the perimeter, can interchange when next closest is pressured.
  • Good against sagging defenses where we can swing or reverse the ball with ease (defense cannot get around in time).

1 ATTACKS – “Penetration Reads for 1”

1. Pass to the corner = basket cut.
2. 1 to 5, 5 to 1 = X Cut
3. On the X-Cut – cut to the elbow. 5 waits for 1 to get to the elbow before penetrating.
4. On any penetration or pass = 2 players to the corner and 1 player will drag behind.
5. If you want 1 and 5 to be your primary ball handlers = always X cut – this will keep them up top.
6. Options on penetration = get to the rim, wrap around lay-up, kick for 3.
7. On any dribble to the wing = go back door.
8. Sub – 3 minutes on – 1 minute off – 3 minutes on.
9. Always sub 2-3 at a time, never 4.
10. In a 40 minute game = shoot 110 shots.
11. In a 32 minute game = 75 shots.

Offensive Alignments
Wheel = 4 out 1 in
Kickbacks = 3 out 2 in
4 = Spread Offense – delay game
Hot = 2-1-2
5 = 4 out 1 on isolation for the post
2 Game = Stall, 1 and 5 play keep away up top.
13 = 1-3-1 alignment against zone
14 = 4 out 1 in against zone
Box = Zone Set
Spread = Zone Set

Dribble Rules
Crack back = Dribble from the wing to the post area, nearest perimeter player
fills behind.

Loop = Dribble from the top of the key area to the paint/foul
area and the nearest person up top fills behind for the 3.
Drift = Baseline drive, basline drift.
Fade = Drive from the top, wing players fade to the corner.
Opposite = Dribble at a post player, he will always cut opposite.
Go = Dribble at, back door.
Yo Yo = Dribble replace.
Dribble Throw back = Drive in the lane, jump stop, turn and throw behind.
Button Hook = Dribble at a man to post him up.
Flash = Low post player will flash high and we will enter the ball to
the post by using the dribble to improve the angle. (yo,yo)
to circle to post-feed.
Circle = Send the corner man through with an opposite post screen
*Circle with a back screen
circle to post-feed.
Shallow = Dribble replace

Pass Rules
Pass to the wing = Basket cut and fill opposite.
Pass guard to guard = X – cut to the dead spot.
Pass to the post = Dive and split
Sweep = Hand off
Double sweep = 2 Hand offs
Triple sweep = 3 Hand offs
Pass Fake = Back cut
X = Side cut
Smash = Back screen
Post = Basket cut ball screen
Post Feed = Split

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf Printable

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball coaching clinic notes:

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf Reference

Wheel Offense by Anthony Menard